Urban farm and vertical farm Food Revolution

Urban Farm food revolutions
Urban Farm food revolutions

The time has now come for most of us to review what we eat, where it has come from, and how it is farmed. Already Europe imports most of its fish and a lot of its fruit and vegetables from countries that cannot feed themselves.

Parched regions of the planet also regularly now sell “water” to relatively saturated nations via their food exports, with every imported lettuce or runner bean transporting a little water from a thirsty continent to one that has far more water. Almost certainly, whilst Peak Oil may change our way of life and Peak Water may alter further how we live, it is pending global food shortages that are likely to spur the greatest human suffering within the next few decades.

Current Western dietary habits are simply not sustainable anymore — let alone in the future, let alone for the whole industrializing planet. Indeed meat-rich, oil-hungry ways of eating are only still being made possible for a few fortunate billions because so many of our fellow human beings are being allowed to starve on far more sustainable diets. The West has drained its own fish stocks, given up on seasonality, and is now raping the lands and natural resources of the poor to keep the richness and variety of food that it desires and “needs” in its TV dinners.

But things will change. And pretty fast for us all. For better or for worse, we now stand on the brink of a major Food Revolution
